Speaking at Clearleft

A screenshot from Clearleft's Instagram story. Dominic sat in front of a screen showing the before and after of the redesigned TrustedHousesitters homepage.

On the 14 June 2019, I spoke at Clearleft, in Brighton. I was just there for an hour, doing a 'lunch and learn' (or 'brown bag') session. But it was a really valuable experience.

Firstly, I really appreciated being invited. Clearleft is a company I've followed since early in my career. As one of the leading UX agencies in Brighton, they do some excellent work. I'm also privileged to be friends with some members of Clearleft — an added bonus!

I'd only been at TrustedHousesitters for a little while at the time. So it was interesting to make the presentation and formulate my ideas and talking points. My talk was on: 'How a writer works within the design team'.

It was really nice to talk about something more focused, talking about the projects I've actually worked on. As opposed to the abstract general principles of UX writing. Everyone who attended seemed interested and there were lots of great questions. Some of them I had to take away to think over. But it was good to have the question and answer session to peel back the layers of what I'd covered.

I hope everyone who attended found it useful and interesting. I certainly benefited from getting out of my comfort zone. Talking to a small audience was fun and I'd definitely do it again.

Dominic sat in front of screen, talking about the different stages of the prototype.

This post was originally published on 2 September 2019.